Secure payment gateway of the University of Málaga
Secure payment gateway of the UMA
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Payment type:
Activities for internationalisation
Culture services
Official degree, master and doctorate programmes
Seminars and conferences
Payment concept:
8th Spain-Japan Meeting on Economic Theory
Certificate Portal DES
Certificate Portal PRE
Charging for extracurricular internship services
Congreso Área DOE
Cultural tours
Dance workshop
EURO PhD School on Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Methodologies and Applications to the Sustainable Development Goals
Examination fee for over 40s
Examination fees for the selection of PAS staff
Global Conference on Wireless and Optical Technologies 2024 (GCWOT 2024)
I Congreso Internacional de Comunicación, Cultura e Inteligencia Artificial. La Comunicación Posthumana.
I Congreso Internacional e Iberoamericano de Buenas Prácticas en Atención Temprana e Inclusión Educativa
II Congreso de Eficiencia y Productividad (II CEyP)
II Congreso Iberoamericano de Tecnologías Emergentes e Innovación Educativa
III International SPRING Conference. Sports Marketing, Journalism, Communications and Sponsorship: Current trends and perspectives
International activity
International Conference on Sustainable Finance
Jornadas de Automática 2024
Poetry workshop
Prepaid 400 euros foreign phase
Proficiency tests for the recognition of foreign degrees
Staff training Week
Theatre workshop
Ticket sales - Music
Ticket sales - Perform
XII Meeting of the Spanish Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB)
XVII Congreso de Psicología Ambiental
XVII Congreso de Psicología Ambiental (extras)
Amount to pay: